
Ljubešić, Nikola; Kuzman, Taja; Filipović Petrović, Ivana; Parizoska, Jelena; Osenova, Petya. “CLASSLA-Express: a Train of CLARIN.SI Workshops on Language Resources and Tools with Easily Expanding Route”

CLARIN Annual Conference 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 16 October 2024

Filipović Petrović, Ivana; Kocijan, Kristina. “Creating the Dataset of Croatian Verbal Idioms – Automatic Identification in a Corpus and Lexicographic Implementation”

The 21st EURALEX International Congress Lexicography and Semantics, Cavtat, Croatia, 11 October 2024

Filipović Petrović, Ivana; Beliga, Slobodan. “Lexicographic treatment of idioms and large language models: what will rise to the surface?”

Workshop Large Language Models and Lexicography. The 21st EURALEX International Congress Lexicography and Semantics, Cavtat, Croatia, 8 October 2024

Parizoska, Jelena; Filipović Petrović, Ivana. “Poredbeni frazemi u korpusu i digitalnom frazeološkom rječniku [Similes in the corpus and online dictionary of idioms]”

International conference  Izzivi in priložnosti frazeologije, tudi v novem, digitalnem svetu, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20 September 2024

Round table on the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in corpus linguistic research

Ivana Filipović Petrović and Jelena Parizoska participated in a panel discussion on the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in corpus linguistic research. The event was part of the pre-conference program at the Language Technologies and Digital Humanities Conference (JTDH 2024) held in Ljubljana on 18 September 2024.

CLASSLA-Express workshops

The CLASSLA-Express workshop series focused on using CLARIN.SI corpora in language research. The workshops were held between April and November 2024 in Zagreb, Rijeka, Belgrade, Skopje, Sofia, Ljubljana and Kragujevac.
The CLASSLA-Express team: Ivana Filipović Petrović, Jelena Parizoska, Taja Kuzman and Nikola Ljubešić

Podcast Close Encounters of the Language Kind (11 March 2024)

Jelena Parizoska appeared on the podcast Close Encounters of the Language Kind (episode 230) talking about idioms.

Kocijan, Kristina; Filipović Petrović, Ivana; Parizoska, Jelena. “Verbal idioms in Croatian: Preparing language data for automatic identification in a corpus”

International conference CLARC 2023: Language and Language Data, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 28 September 2023